Cba Realty Management Corp Hours

We collected information about Cba Realty Management Corp Hours for you. Follow the liks to find out everything about Cba Realty Management Corp Hours.

Property Management - CBA Realty Group
    CBA Realty Group, Inc., prides itself in building lasting relationships. In terms of property management, we strive to develop strong relationships between agents, property owners, and tenants. These relationships allow for very positive rental experiences for all parties. Allow CBA Realty Group, Inc., to work for you!

Property Search - CBA Realty Group-Home
    Hours. M-F: 9am-7pm. Sat: 10am-4pm. Sun: By appt.

About - CBA Realty Group
    CBA Realty Group, Inc., was established in 2000 by our Broker/Owner, Chuck Alzamora. With his many years of sales and management experience, he created CBA Realty Group, Inc, partnering with sales associates who know and love Brevard County.

Meet Our Team - CBA Realty Group
    Priscilla has been part of the CBA Realty Group team for just over six years. She works in the office with our property management. She also works as our Broker's assistant, working with buyers, sellers, investors, and tenants in day-to-day operations. Priscilla has lived in Palm Bay since 1988.

Cristina Moinelo - Owner - CBA Realty & Management Corp ...
    Jan 2014 - 20162 years. 2020 Harrison Street, Hollywood, Florida. ArtCenter 2020 Executive Director Cristina D. Moinelo, broker/president of downtown-based CBA Realty & Management Corp., runs the ...Title: Broker/Owner CBA Realty & …

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