We collected information about Carla Butler Lcsw Pllc Hours for you. Follow the liks to find out everything about Carla Butler Lcsw Pllc Hours.
Carla Butler, Lcsw, Pllc is a health care organization in Virginia Beach with Mental Health Counselor listed as their primary medical specialization. Carla Butler, Lcsw, Pllc's practice location is: 317 Office Square Ln Ste B101 Virginia Beach, VA 23462-3652.
About Carla K. Butler LCSW (she/her) is a mental health counselor in Virginia Beach, VA. For new and existing patients, please see recommendations on how to schedule an appointment with Carla Butler online. As a mental health counselor, she may specialize in Life Transitions and Life Coaching, in addition to other conditions.. If you want to see Carla Butler, please contact her to book an ...Location: 317 Office Square Lane, Virginia Beach, 23462, VA
About CARLA BUTLER, LCSW, PLLC. Carla Butler, Lcsw, Pllc is a provider established in Virginia Beach, Virginia specializing in counselor (mental health) . The NPI number of Carla Butler, Lcsw, Pllc is 1578031191 and was assigned on November 2018. The practitioner's primary taxonomy code is 101YM0800X.The provider is registered as an organization and their NPI record was last updated 3 …NPI: 1578031191
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