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Abstract. Equal access to, and delivery of career guidance information to higher education students in Hawaii presents a special geographical problem, since intra-state travel between the various islands which comprise the state can only be accomplished by means of expensive air transportation.Author: E. A. Colozzi, F. P. Haehnlen
Describes the development, implementation, and evaluation of a statewide computerized career information delivery system for secondary school students. Counselors believed it was superior to traditional information sources. Clients expressed satisfaction with amount of information and interaction mode. (Author/BL)Author: Donald L. Thompson, Diane R. LaROCHELLE
Internet The computer network system through which information cam be shared on the world wide web Job Duty A task one is expected to complete on the job Entry-Level-Jobs Working conditions/ work environment The environment of the workplace O*Net Occupational Information Network
SCOIS (S.C. Occupational Information System) is South Carolina's Official Career Resource Network. As a State Program, SCOIS is authorized by both Federal and State Law and is mandated to provide a vast array of Career Development products and services including the State's Computerized Career Information System.
The goal was to bring better career counseling services to California's students. Later called EUREKA, this group began as an all-volunteer effort, and their first goal was to develop a computerized career information system. At the time, computer usage in the education field was all but unheard-of.
The best known computer-based career information systems are the state-based career information delivery systems (CIDS). Serving over 9 million customers yearly at more than 20,000 sites, CIDS operate in 48 states and provide information about occupations and educational programs within that state (Mariani 1995-96; National Occupational ...
However, to address the needs of diverse, end-user populations, career information delivery system developers, for many years now, have incorporated O*NET data (and previously DOT data) and additional career information into their products to provide the end-user with a comprehensive system that meets their needs.
Computer-based career information systems (CCIS) provide local labor market information. Guidance counselors frequently use CCIS in conjunction with clients, but youth and adults also access CCIS independently to obtain career information. The best known CCIS are the state-based career information delivery systems (CIDS). Although developed by a number of different vendors and customized for ...Author: Susan Imel
A computerized career information delivery system. Unit 4 Education/training requirements Unit 4 The instructional background and skills needed to qualify for employment. Unit 4 Employment Outlook Unit 4 The prospect for the future of a job or career. Unit 4 Entry-level jobs Unit 4 The jobs that beginners start with to train them for higher ...
Full text of "ERIC ED210552: Computerized Systems of Career Information and Guidance: A State-of-the-Art.See other formats DOCUMENT BESOHE ED 210 5& A0TH0B TITLE SP0NS AGENCY POE DATE NOTE EDPS PBICE DESCRIPTOBS CE 030 663 Jacobson, Marilyn e* • Grabo-wski, Barbara i # Computerized Systems of Career Information and • Guidance: A State-ol-the-Art.
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