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May 13, 2013 · Competition Diesel.Com - Bringing The BEST Together > Tech Area- Dodge > Dodge Tech > 94-98 2nd Gen. 12V > 024 vs 035 DV. PDA. ... Is there any difference in 024 and 035 Delivery Valves? I ordered a set of 024 valves, 035 valves were sent and the vendor says they are the same. Did I get screwed? mathews8pt. 06-20-2012, 11:02 AM.
Competition Delivery Valves - DVCOMP
after extensive testing cpp is proud to release our competition full cut delivery valves. these are not made for street use. these are competition only. get every last drop of …
6 Bosch 191 Delivery Valves 6 Bosch O -rings High Flow 191 Delivery Valves For 1994-1998 P7100 Pumps Found on Dodge 12V Cummins Turbo Diesels. These 191 Delivery Valves don't flow as much fuel as laser cut delivery valves, but they are a great improvement over stock.
Some of our customers choose to keep the stock delivery valves and only upgrade to larger injectors in order to create the most efficient power. However, a large advantage of any delivery valve upgrade is the significant increase in throttle response that is often not attainable by …
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6 DFI Comp Delivery Valves and 6 Delivery Valve o rings . Comp DV's ~ 140cc's over stock. You will need a delivery valve socket to install these.
Genuine Bosch delivery valves modified to increase fueling to 120cc’s. These will deliver the performance you are after with less smoke than full cut or laser cut delivery valves with very similar power.
May 25, 2013 · If you look closely at the competition cut delivery valve, it still has a fairly wide shoulder. In fact, most other shops selling full cuts utilize full shoulder width 131 or 181 valves for their competition cut profile.
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