Comparing Student Learning Outcomes In Face-To-Face And Online Course Delivery

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Comparing Student Learning Outcomes in Face-to-Face and ...
    Since the advent of fully online delivery of college-level coursework, a number of issues has preoccupied administrators, educators, and researchers with regard to student learning outcomes or performance vis-a-vis face-to-face delivery. The present study does not seek to demonstrate or to discover which mode of delivery isAuthor: Stephen Sussman, Lee Dutter

Comparing Student Learning Outcomes in Face-To-Face and ...
    More to the point, however, the analysis compared two aggregate indicators of student learning outcomes or performance in this course for face-to-face versus fully online course delivery. These indicators were numerical assessment scores for an issue paper assignment and final course grades as measured by section GPA.

Online Vs. Face-to-Face: A Comparison of Student Outcomes ...
    whether or not online courses offer learning opportunities that are comparable in quality to traditional, face-to-face courses. ... is difficult to compare student outcomes when you cannot control for instructor input. ... Such a comparison is not that useful now since both online and face-to-face delivery would employ a combination of video ...

Comparing Student Outcomes in Blended and Face-to-Face Courses
    Mar 25, 2010 · Comparing Student Outcomes in Blended and Face-to-Face Courses. ... in which students completed most of the work online but met several times face-to-face. Learning objectives, course content, and pedagogical approaches were identical but the mode of instruction was different. The data suggest academic performance was not influenced by the mode ...Author: Douglas D. Roscoe

Comparing Student Performance in Online and Face-to-face ...
    potentially developing a different lens through which to view student performance in online courses. KEYWORDS . Online, Face-to-Face, Learning Mode Comparison, Student Variables . I. INTRODUCTION . As online course offerings and programs continue to grow in higher education, it only makes sense to investigate aspects of the delivery modality.

A Comparison of Learning Outcomes in Skills‐Based Courses ...
    ABSTRACT In comparing the learning outcomes of online versus face‐to‐face courses, skills‐based forms of instruction have received little attention. This study asks the question “Can skills‐based c...Author: Ronda Roberts Callister, Mary Sue Love

Research review: Online versus face-to-face learning outcomes
    Dec 05, 2017 · In a comprehensive investigation of online and traditional face-to-face learning outcomes, the U.S. Department of Education released one of the first major reports to take a close look at the effectiveness of each approach. The analysis revealed that, on average, students in online learning...

Comparing Student Outcomes in Blended and Face-to-Face ...
    Request PDF Comparing Student Outcomes in Blended and Face-to-Face Courses This article reports on a study of student outcomes in a pair of matched courses, one taught face-to …

Comparing Face to Face and Online Teaching Johns Hopkins ...
    Comparing Face-to-Face and Online Teaching. Now that you've had a chance to hear what some EP colleagues had to say about the differences between face-to-face and online teaching, we'll spend a few more minutes here comparing the two platforms in more detail.

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