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The delivery method should be selected based on the medium most effective to convey the meaning of the message. Since communication methods are so diverse since the dawn of computers and mobile devices, decisions about the delivery method have become more complex.Author: Susan M. Heathfield
Effective use of communication and technology by health care and public health professionals can bring about an age of patient- and public-centered health information and services. 1,2 By strategically combining health IT tools and effective health communication processes, there is the potential to: Improve health care quality and safety
Good communication is a fundamental skill for all palliative care clinicians. Patients present with varied desires, beliefs, and cultural practices, and navigating these …Author: Joshua S. Barclay, Leslie J. Blackhall, James A. Tulsky
This communication is necessary to reduce inappropriate referrals and increase the efficiency of an ultrasound service. Conclusion: Effective communication is imperative for the delivery of high quality patient care (Persutte, 2001) and therefore it is as vital as …
Health promotion communication interventions invariably raise ethical issues because they aim to influence people’s views and lifestyles, and they are often initiated, funded, and influenced by government agencies or powerful public or private organizations. With the increasing use of commercial advertising tactics in health promotion communication interventions, ethical issues regarding ...Author: Nurit Guttman
Quick stress relief for effective communication. When a conversation starts to get heated, you need something quick and immediate to bring down the emotional intensity. By learning to quickly reduce stress in the moment, you can safely take stock of any strong emotions you’re experiencing, regulate your feelings, and behave appropriately.
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