We have collected information about Can You Pick The Delivery Date On Fedex for you. Follow the links to find out details on Can You Pick The Delivery Date On Fedex.
When you ship via FedEx Home Delivery, you can choose one of these convenient delivery options if your recipient has a special delivery need: FedEx Date Certain Home Delivery ®. Delivery on a specific date you select, Monday–Saturday, provided the date is not before the standard delivery time and is within two weeks after it. Get more details.
Note: For FedEx Express shipments, you can enter a 2-hour delivery window. For FedEx Home Delivery shipments, you can enter a preferred time of day (Morning, Mid-day, Afternoon, or Late Afternoon) along with your phone number and FedEx will contact you to set a 2 hour delivery window.
When you select a vacation hold, FedEx Express and FedEx Ground deliveries to your residential address are suspended for a date range you specify, up to 14 days. FedEx will resume normal delivery on the first business day after your specified end date.
Drop off packages at a FedEx location: Indicates that the packages will be brought to FedEx and that a pickup is not needed or expected (for example: find FedEx where you shop or use our drop box). Use an already scheduled pickup at my location: Indicates that the packages will be picked up as part of a previously scheduled or regularly scheduled pickup.
If we have tried to deliver your package whilst you were not home, you can request a new delivery by connecting to our FedEx Delivery website. When accessing the site, you will be prompted with the below screen. You will need to select By Door Tag from the drop down menu, enter your tracking number, email address and phone number.
Hold at FedEx More convenient pickup options in Date at no extra charge to you. Have your package kept securely and ready for pickup at your convenience …
Mar 25, 2017 · Yes yes you can!. However, you need to login to FedEx and setup your account. No monies due when you do this so it is pretty painless. As long as it has not been loaded out for delivery that day, they will pull it when it does arrive and you can pick it up.
Not available in combination with FedEx Date Certain Home Delivery ® or FedEx Appointment Home Delivery ®. Include the recipient's phone number with area code and requested delivery date in your electronic data interchange (EDI) transmission. A fee applies. …
Jul 22, 2010 · If you have the tracking number call the 800 number and ask them at what terminal the package will be delivered from. Then ask them if you can have the …
With your delivery attempt notice you can request a new delivery by using our FedEx Delivery tool. When accessing the tool, you will need to select ‘ By Door Tag’ from the drop down menu, enter your tracking number, email address and phone number. You will then be able to choose the most convenient delivery option available for your package.
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