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Sellers don't have the ability to select whether they will accept Pay After Delivery payments. It seems like there's something in your eBay profile or your PayPal profile which is making PAD not available. Go to your "My eBay - Personal Information" page... what do you have in the "Checkout saved payment methods" section?
Only certain purchases offer Pay After Delivery as a payment method. If it’s available, you’ll see the option on the Review Your Information page during checkout. There is no fee to schedule a payment using Pay After Delivery. When you use Pay After Delivery, we pay the seller right away, so there's no delay in sending you the item.
Paying with a credit or debit card When you buy an item on eBay, whether you won an auction or used Buy It Now, you need to pay the seller within 2 days. The sooner the seller receives your payment, the sooner they’ll ship your item.
When you're looking at items on eBay, you'll find the shipping and delivery details on the listing page, when you add an item to your cart, and at checkout. You'll also to see any shipping charges, as well as an estimated delivery date.
Last month I used PayPals Pay After Delivery option to pay for a few transactions and everything went through fine. Yesterday I purchased a few items from sellers thinking that I would be able to use the Pay After Delivery option again, but, even though this is my preferred payment …
Fast, On-Time Delivery. Guaranteed. eBay Guaranteed Delivery guarantees the delivery dates for listings by eBay Store subscribers with 100 or more transactions per year, a late shipment rate of 5% or less, and same- or 1-day handling time. Guaranteed Delivery listings will get a visibility boost, and your customers will get their items in 3 days or less.
Oct 30, 2017 · Re: Pay After Delivery Not Working October 2017 it is never up to the seller,it is up to Paypal. we sellers never know the buyer has used PAD,as we are paid when you place the order.
So if you bought something for $100 then you pay it off over 2 months at $25 per fortnight. It's not anything like a laybuy because with a laybuy you don't get the goods until you paid it off in full but with afterpay you get the goods before you pay for them.
Pay After Delivery is a payment method that we’re offering to selected customers, where you don’t pay for your item until after you’ve received it. We pay the seller immediately, so they can send you the item straight away, but we wait for 14 days before we debit the money from your bank account.
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