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FedEx Delivery Manager is a suite of options that provides U.S.-based recipients with convenience, flexibility and features to customize deliveries to their homes while packages are in transit, helping recipients avoid the inconvenience of missed deliveries.
Get fast, reliable, on-time residential shipping services. With FedEx Home Delivery, you can get day-definite home delivery tailored to your recipient's schedule - even on evenings and Saturdays - with no additional charge.
If we have tried to deliver your package whilst you were not home, you can request a new delivery by connecting to our FedEx Delivery website. When accessing the site, you will be prompted with the below screen. You will need to select By Door Tag from the drop down menu, enter your tracking number, email address and phone number.
Schedule a pickup: Indicates that there is not a regularly scheduled pickup, and a FedEx courier/driver should be dispatched to the pickup location. Drop off packages at a FedEx location: Indicates that the packages will be brought to FedEx and that a pickup is not needed or expected (for example: find FedEx where you shop or use our drop box).
Do you send shipments on a regular schedule? If so, you can simplify your routine and plan ahead for recurring delivery needs with regularly scheduled pickups, including free express service. It’s a time-saving alternative to repeatedly dropping off shipments or making individual pickup requests.
FedEx Delivery Manager ℠ Quick Help Delivery Options Customize deliveries to your home FedEx ® Delivery Manager Get convenience and flexibility for deliveries to your home. You can view upcoming deliveries to your home address, get status updates, or schedule a delivery by choosing your preferred date, time, or date and time combination.
You can redirect your shipment to a FedEx location to be held for your recipient. There is no additional charge for redirecting to a FedEx location. Go to fedex.com, click on the Tracking drop down menu, enter tracking #, select “Manage Delivery” and select Hold at Location or call 1-800-GoFedEx. FedEx Express and FedEx Ground-Reroute
Do you send shipments on a regular schedule? If so, you can simplify your routine and plan ahead for recurring delivery needs with regularly scheduled pickups, including free express service. It’s a time-saving alternative to repeatedly dropping off shipments or making individual pickup requests.
FedEx offers a flexible range of International Export and Import services for reliable, time-definite, door-to-door, customs-cleared delivery to over 220 countries and territories worldwide. Booking your pickup couldn't be simpler. We offer several different methods of …
Jan 21, 2015 · But however hard the FedEx officials try, everyone is busy these days and circumstances do arise when owing to time constraints, you were not there to collect your FedEx delivery when it arrived at your place. So, what to do next and how to schedule a redelivery FedEx? Check out the redelivery options of FedEx as mentioned below:
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