We have collected information about Camel Redelivery Header for you. Follow the links to find out details on Camel Redelivery Header.
Prior to Camel 2.10, Camel will perform redelivery while stopping a route, or shutting down Camel. This has improved a bit in Camel 2.10 onwards, as Camel will not perform redelivery attempts when shutting down aggressively (eg during Graceful Shutdown and timeout hit).
From Camel 2.6: The header CamelRedeliveryMaxCounter, which is also defined on the Exchange.REDELIVERY_MAX_COUNTER, contains the maximum redelivery setting. This header is absent if you use retryWhile or have unlimited maximum redelivery configured.
The maximum redeliveries is the number of re delivery attempts. By default Camel will try to process the exchange 1 + 5 times. 1 time for the normal attempt and then 5 attempts as redeliveries. Setting the maximumRedeliveries to a negative value such as -1 will then always redelivery (unlimited).
Dec 21, 2010 · Claus Ibsen The onRedelivery will obvious not be invoked when you are exhausted. Its only to be invoked *just before* a redelivery attempt is being made. So that's why the header is absent. The message do contain information that's its being redelivered.
Redelivery headers. If Apache Camel attempts to redeliver a message, ... Apache Camel 2.6: Holds the maximum redelivery setting (also set in the Exchange.REDELIVERY_MAX_COUNTER exchange property). This header is absent if you use retryWhile or have unlimited maximum redelivery configured.
It can be used to add some customer header or whatnot. In Camel 2.0 we have added this feature to Exception Clause as well, so you can use per exception scoped on redelivery. Camel will fallback to use the one defined on Dead Letter Channel if any, if none exists on the Exception Clause. See Dead Letter Channel for more details on onRedelivery.
Using RedeliveryPolicyProfiles. Available as of Camel 2.7. In the XML snippet below we have defined a <redeliveryPolicyProfile> which we can refer to from the <errorHandler>.
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