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Business Hours. Monday–Friday (except holidays) 8:00 a.m.–5:00 p.m. mountain time Closed Tuesdays 10:45 a.m.–noon for university devotionals. Toll-Free: 1-800-914-8931 Local: 801-422-2868 Fax: 801-422-0102 Send us a message How are we doing? Customer Feedback
23 hours ago · BYU's surplus IT equipment is for sale to the general public through a variety of means. Typical sale items include refurbished PCs, Macs, monitors, audio equipment, projectors, furniture, cables, keyboards, printers, televisions, and other IT equipment. Items on this website are available for purchase during our regular sale hours (M-F, 7AM-3PM).
Welcome to the Student Connection and Leadership Center Site! We are a campus resource devoted to inspiring BYU students to create lasting connections, foster an inclusive campus, cultivate skills and talents, and live with integrity. We do this through providing Christ-centered leadership opportunities and creating meaningful student-focused ...
Call 801-310-0438 or 801-422-5156, or click the link below to schedule a test. Testing available daily: COVID Vaccine Information. Make an Appointment.
Student Employee of the Year. Each year colleges and universities across the country recognize the importance of the student work experience during National Student Employment Week. More.
As the Open Major College Advisement Center, we help students discover, dream, design, and deliver on their academic, career, spiritual, and life goals as they transition from high school, through college, and prepare for life once they leave BYU.
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