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Simply call us during our regular business hours (Weekdays, 8AM-10PM ET) 855.750.5002. or complete the form below to be contacted by Spectrum Business. Full Contact Name*. Phone*. Email*. Business Name*. Street Address*. Suite.
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Multi-Location Dry-Cleaning Business for Sale. Denver, CO . This established business of 30 years has over five retail store locations multiple delivery routes and a plant to handle volume and ensure quality. There is an established client list and highly trained and tenured management and staff in place. Business Priced at 1x Revenue in 2020.
Governor Polis signed SB21-282 on June 30, 2021, which extends the small business exception to destination sourcing requirements. This exception applies only to businesses with less than $100,000 in retail sales.Beginning February 1, 2022, all retailers will be required to apply the
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