Bellapais Abbey Opening Hours

We collected information about Bellapais Abbey Opening Hours for you. Follow the liks to find out everything about Bellapais Abbey Opening Hours.

The Bellapais Abbey – Bellapais Monastery
    Opening hours from June to mid-September are 9am to 7pm; the winter hours are 9am to 1 pm and 2pm to 4:45pm Opening hours from mid-September to May are 9am to 5pm Getting to Bellapais Abbey involves a travel to Kyrenia.

Bellapais Monastery / Bellapais Abbey - Cyprus
    Opening hours . June - mid September daily 9.00 - 19.00 Mid September - May daily 9.00 - 17.00 Admission policies flexible, app. 5 YTL . Bellapais Abbey and its name . Bellapais Abbey derives its name from French Abbaye de la Paix which means " Abbey of Peace" . The monastery is one of the most peaceful and serene places on the island indeed.

    Bellapais is approximately five kilometres (three miles) from the town of Kyrenia. The abbey which is perched on the side of a mountain, commands spectacular views down to Kyrenia and the Mediterranean Sea. Opening hours for the Abbey are from 9am to 7:30pm in the summer and 9am to 5pm in the winter. There is an admission charge which goes towards the upkeep of the Abbey.

North Cyprus Kyrenia, Northern Cyprus Bellapais Monastery
    Opening hours . Daily 9.00 - 19.00 from June until mid-September. Daily 9.00 - 17.00 from mid-September until May. Admission policies are flexible, app. 5 YTL . Bellapais Abbey and its name . Bellapais Abbey originated its name from French Abbaye de la Paix which means " Abbey of Peace" . The monastery is one of the most tranquil and serene ...

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