We have collected information about Bapi Outb Delivery Change Batch Split Example for you. Follow the links to find out details on Bapi Outb Delivery Change Batch Split Example.
To create a batch line item using this BAPI, you need to do two things: 1) In the header structures, fill in the delivery number wherevr applicable. In the structure techn_control : fill "U" , in the update indicator field. 2) In the table ITEM_DATA, first create a line for the header line item (0010).2/5
This article explains how to perform batch split of a outbound delivery using the BAPI BAPI_OUTB_DELIVERY_CHANGE. Also after peforming batch split, we also do delivery picking using the FM WS_DELIVERY_UPDATE_2 . report zle_delivery_batch_split. types: begin of ty_params, vbeln_vl type vbeln_vl, pikmg type pikmg,
ABAP code example for Function Module BAPI_OUTB_DELIVERY_CHANGE The ABAP code below is a full code listing to execute function module BAPI_OUTB_DELIVERY_CHANGE including all data declarations. The code uses the latest in-line data DECLARATION SYNTAX but I have included an ABAP code snippet at the end to show how declarations would look using the original method of declaring …
If WMS post GI for quantity < delivery quantity ==> problem. I should update the delivery quantity (LIPS-LFIMG) and then post the GI. I tried with WS_DELIVERY_UPDATE and with BAPI_OUTB_DELIVERY_CHANGE without success. Have you ever faced this case?
Jan 22, 2016 · Change Delivery Quantity Using Function Module BAPI_OUTB_DELIVERY_CHANGE Codes : REPORT zchangeqty . * DO update DATA gw_do_header TYPE bapiobdlvhdrchg .
BAPI_OUTB_DELIVERY_CHANGE - BAPI for Change to Outbound Delivery ... The system removes the cross-system lock for the changed outbound delivery. Example If you want to change the quantity for a distributed quantity, then following entries are required for the transfer to the connected system: ... Batch Split in the Decentralized WMS
Nov 22, 2011 · FU BAPI_OUTB_DELIVERY_CONFIRM_DEC Short Text. BAPI for Outbound Delivery Confirmation from a Decentralized System. Functionality. You can use this method to report back outbound deliveries from a WM system to an Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) system.
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