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If there’s any doubt — especially if baby looks like he or she will be over 10 pounds at birth — your doctor will probably recommend a c-section over a vaginal delivery. But there are also other factors that come into play when determining whether you’ll be able to deliver vaginally or through a c-section.
(The average newborn weighs about 7 pounds.) Babies with macrosomia weigh more than 8 pounds, 13 ounces (4,000 grams) at birth. Macrosomic babies are more likely to have a difficult delivery. But the risk of complications is significantly greater when a baby is …
Oct 27, 2017 · But there are other reasons a vaginal delivery may not be planned that are not controversial, but rather agreed upon in the medical community as necessary for a safe delivery…
Mar 25, 2018 · The later the baby is born, the heavier the baby tends to be. For example. The average of babies born at 41 weeks of gestational age weighs an average of 7.93 pounds while those at 42 weeks of gestation weighs an average of 8.12 pounds. Babies at 38 weeks averages at 6.8 pounds.
If she determines the delivery would be too risky considering your size and your baby’s size, she will recommend a cesarean. No matter how badly you want to delivery vaginally, you’ll need to listen to the nurses and doctors if they make that call, because a vaginal delivery for a baby that is too large is dangerous for you and your infant. There is no short answer to the question about how big is too big …
There are some risks associated with birthing a large baby. Labor may stall or your cervix may not fully dilate to 10 centimeters if the baby is too big to fit through your pelvis (or if the baby is in a position which does not allow him to descend enough to open the cervix).48%
Remaining in the birth canal for too long can be harmful for a baby. The contractions can compress their head, causing delivery complications. Birth canal issues can result in prolonged labor or...Author: Rachel Nall, MSN, CRNA
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