Az Commercial Contracting Llc Hours

We collected information about Az Commercial Contracting Llc Hours for you. Follow the liks to find out everything about Az Commercial Contracting Llc Hours.

Applying for a License? Arizona Registrar of Contractors
    Getting a Contractor's License. On this page, you will find a simple overview of the steps you must take to get a contractor's license from the Arizona Registrar of Contractors. If at any time you have a question and the answer is not provided below, give us a call at 877.692.9762 or email ROC Licensing staff at [email protected] .Location: Phoenix, Arizona 85007-2812

Licensing Forms Arizona Registrar of Contractors
    Mail original form with original signature to P.O. Box 6688, Phoenix, AZ 85005-6688. Use this form to assume responsibility of any license being canceled when applying for a new license. One (1) copy is required for each license being applied for, to be sent to any office of the Arizona Registrar of Contractors.Location: Phoenix, Arizona 85007-2812

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