We collected information about Artesani Playground Wading Pool Hours for you. Follow the liks to find out everything about Artesani Playground Wading Pool Hours.
Restrictionsat Artesani Playground Wading Pool and Spray Deck. Follow the direction of the Park staff at all times. Take a cleansing shower before entering the pool. Always wear sunscreen. Seek shaded areas. Protect your skin from direct sun exposure. Children must always be under supervision by a …
17 reviews of Artesani Playground and Pool "I came to Artesani Park upon the recommendation of scores of parents but had never quite been able to find it, as it was located in the no-man's-land of twisting highways and sudden roundabouts on the far side of Cambridge. It was worth the internet investigation to get the proper name and location of the park (though I never did get a prescise ...4/5(17)
Please see this location's page on our website for more information about the facilities, rules, activities, and parking at this site: Artesani Playground Wading Pool and Spray Deck. Hours presented above are for the Spray Deck. The Wading Pool hours are every day from 10AM - 6PM
Artesani Playground Wading Pool, 1255 Soldiers Field Rd. Boston (Brighton). For info call (617) 626-4973. Artesani Playground Wading Pool, conveniently located along the scenic Charles River is absolutely fabulous for area families. Includes a number of zero depth fountains from the ground and they have an awesome wading pool with all kinds of ...Ages: Toddlers, Kids
Artesani Playground Wading Pool and Spray Deck,: photos, location and contact details, open hours and 65 reviews on Nicelocal.com. Ratings of places for fun & activities in Boston, similar places of entertainment nearby.3.9/5(10)
Given the COVID-19 pandemic, call ahead to verify hours, and remember to practice social distancing. No tips and reviews. Log in to leave a tip here. Post. ... artesani wading pool brighton • artesani park wadding pool brighton • artesani park wading pool brighton • artesani wading pool brighton •
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