We collected information about Armstrong Charron Funeral Home Llc Hours for you. Follow the liks to find out everything about Armstrong Charron Funeral Home Llc Hours.
The Armstrong-Charron Funeral Home is a family-owned and operated funeral home. The funeral home was started in the early 1930s by Charles "Charlie" Adams, then known as the Adam's Funeral Parlor, in about 1951 James "Jimmy" Main purchased the funeral home from Mr. Adams after working for him for many years.
Armstrong-Charron Funeral Home, LLC 603-636-2744. Sign up for Obituary Notices. Subscribe to Obituary Notifications. Subscribe. When an obituary is published to our site, we will notify you by email. This service is free, and you may unsubscribe at any time.
7 rows · Armstrong-Charron Funeral Home, LLC; Share Print. Business Profile. Business Profile ...
The Armstrong-Charron Funeral Home is a family owned and operated funeral home. The funeral home was started in the early 1930's by Charles "Charlie" Adams, then known as the Adam's Funeral Parlor, in about 1951 James "Jimmy" Main purchased the funeral home from Mr. Adams after working for him for many years.Location: 100 State St, Groveton, 03582, NH
In New Hampshire, embalming is not required unless there will be public viewing after 24 hours has elapsed from the time of death, or when burial will be delayed, such as when the cemeteries are closed for the winter months. In New Hampshire, if the body is to be cremated, 48 hours must elapse from the time of death before cremation can occur.
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