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For date-time inputs like these, it can sometimes be useful to extract particular time units (e.g. hours of the day, dates of the month, etc.). In Altair, this can be done with a time unit transform, discussed in detail in TimeUnit Transform. For example, we might decide we want a heatmap with hour of the day on the x-axis, and day of the month ...Estimated Reading Time: 5 mins
Altair and our resellers need your email address to contact you about our products and services. You may unsubscribe from these communications at any time. For information on how to unsubscribe, as well as our privacy practices and commitment to protecting your privacy, ...
Altair has also recently been identified as a subtle "Delta Scuti) variable, the brightest in the sky, the star flickering by a few thousandths of a magnitude with nine different periods that …
Jul 08, 2021 · At least 2 features of the star make it distinctive. For one thing, Altair needs only 10 hours to spin once on its axis, in contrast to roughly a month for our sun.
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