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At Allendale Auto Service, we offer a wide range of services for your car. Our car service will provide you a full written report and includes a full safety check of all lights, electrical equipment, brake system, suspension and steering.
Don and Cheryl M. co-own Allendale Auto Service and along with our highly experienced staff, we enjoy servicing all our customers repair and maintenance needs. Location & Hours 9625 Lake Michigan Dr2 Yelp reviews
Auto Services. More. Allendale Auto Repair. 6 reviews. Unclaimed. Gas Stations, Auto Repair Edit. Write a Review. Add Photo. Share. Save. Photos & videos. Add photo. Location & Hours. 41 Myrtle Ave. Allendale, NJ 07401. Get directions. Edit business info. Ask the Community ... The car has been running great. Allendale Auto is either dishonest ...1 Yelp review
Jul 30, 2020 · Due to automotive repair being deemed “essential” Allendale Auto Service will remain open during and well after the stay-at-home order. We will remain open. Appointment style & after hours type service will be conducted during this time. What this means is our office will be closed to the public, every scheduled appointment will be drop off ...Location: 9625 Lake Michigan Dr, West Olive, 49460
Claim this business. More Info Gallery Reviews. BBB Rating. A+. BBB Rating and Accreditation information may be delayed up to a week. Hours. Regular Hours. Mon - Fri: 8:00 am - 5:00 pm.Mon - Fri: 8:00 am-5:00 pm
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