We collected information about Alan B Zavorskas Hours for you. Follow the liks to find out everything about Alan B Zavorskas Hours.
Name: Alan B Zavorskas, Phone number: (508) 852-6303, State: MA, City: Worcester, Zip Code: 1606 and more information
Mr. Zavorskas lived in Auburn since 1966. A self employed building contractor, he was for thirty eight years the operator of E.Z Building Company in Auburn. Mr. Zavorskas was a member of Saint Joseph's Parish in Auburn. Funeral services and burial will be private. There are no calling hours.
His wife, Matilda C. (Kersis) Zavorskas, died in 1995. He leaves two sons, Paul A. Zavorskas of Hubbardston and Alan B. Zavorskas of Worcester; a daughter, Susan A. Jolicoeur of Auburn, with whom he lived; nieces and nephews. He was born in Worcester, son of Bernard and Mary (Keiila) Zavorskas, and graduated from Commerce High School in ...
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