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The study looked at 31 first-time moms at one private practice to conclude that their average due date was eight days early. That's not a very big sample size, which I think is why it's the only study that found 288 days as the median.
For example, if your last period started on September 1, your due date would be June 7. This method assumes that your period arrives like clockwork every 28 days.Author: Lauren Picker
In the UK, where Chaney and Marshall live, a woman's estimated date of delivery is first calculated by using the date of her last period and adding 280 days, or 40 weeks. That is followed by an ultrasound scan where another estimate is made, based on the size …
Sep 29, 2014 · In a study of 114 Caucasian women, women with 1 or more deliveries under their belts delivered an average of 3 days after their due dates; first time mothers delivered an average of 8 days after their due dates.
Case 1: Only one Party is involved. In this method, we calculate the average due date as follows: Take the first due date as the starting day or base date or “O” day for convenience. You can take any date as “O” day. Count the number of days from …
58 rows · The average second time mom had her baby at 39W,5D. 56.5% of second time moms …
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