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Kentucky: Delivery charges (charges by the retailer for preparation and delivery to a location designated by the purchaser) are included in the sale price and are subject to tax if the sale is taxable, and exempt if the sale is exempt. However, delivery charges in Kentucky are generally exempt when charged by companies not in the business of selling tangible personal property.
If you make sales through the mail, on the Internet or over the telephone, most states expect you to collect sales tax on the sale and forward the tax to the appropriate taxing authority in your state. Some states expect collection of sales tax on the shipping charge; other states tax handling.
But if you ship a mixed shipment (i.e. some items are taxable and some are non-taxable), then some states say that you should only charge sales tax on the shipping charges used to deliver the taxable item. You may do this by dividing the weight of the items or the prices of the items and then assigning a shipping charge to each item.
Dec 28, 2015 · One other thing to consider is that many states also require sales tax to be charged on shipping and delivery costs. Example: You have nexus in Rhode Island, a state that considers shipping taxable. If you sell a $10 item to a customer and charge them $2 for shipping, then you would charge the applicable sales tax rate on the entire purchase.
These states say shipping charges are not taxable if you show the charge separately from the selling price of the item. They are taxable if you include the charge as part of the price of the item. They are taxable if you include the charge as part of the price of the item.Author: Mark Faggiano
Dec 28, 2017 · Answer: The tax should be charged on the total value of supply. If the transportation cost is included, then GST has to be charged at the same rate of tax charged on supply. For example: If the goods being supplied is charged at 18%, then you have to charge tax on transport cost …
May 14, 2012 · Generally, charges for shipping or delivery that a seller includes on its bill are taxable if the product or service that is being shipped or delivered is taxable. The terms shipping and delivery also include charges identified by terms such as transportation, handling, or postage. Taxable products or …
Mar 30, 2020 · Prescription drugs are exempt from sales taxes in almost every state, while most states charge sales tax on non-prescription drugs, and Illinois levies a 1% tax on non-prescription drugs. Most states charge sales tax on most products sold in the state, but sales taxes on services vary widely.
Under certain circumstances, labor charges are taxable. Labor to fabricate or repair movable property is taxable. Labor charges to construct or repair immovable, or real, property are not subject to sales tax. I made a purchase of property for my own use from a vendor who did not collect the sales or use tax …
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