We have collected information about Application Delivery Controller Magic Quadrant for you. Follow the links to find out details on Application Delivery Controller Magic Quadrant.
Oct 30, 2012 · The application delivery controller has evolved into a key component of the data center architecture, and enterprises should evaluate ADCs based on how they integrate with this architecture and support more-advanced features, such as user and traffic control and monitoring.
The ADC market continues to evolve, with various new cloud-integrated and software-centric use cases having arisen. This report provides infrastructure and operations leaders with a snapshot of the market's transition and profiles vendors representative of emerging and very different approaches.
Aug 30, 2016 · We just published the 2016 Magic Quadrant for Application Delivery Controllers (), a market which many folks still refer to as load-balancers.. We evaluate 11 vendors that meet inclusion criteria including A10, Amazon Web Services, Barracuda, Brocade, Citrix, F5, KEMP, Microsoft, NGINX Inc., Radware, and Sangfor.
Oct 07, 2015 · We just published the 2015 Application Delivery Controller Magic Quadrant.Over the past 12-18 months, there has been substantial change and disruption in this market. After years of mostly incremental (but very valuable) innovation (i.e., Load-balancers morphing into a swiss army knife of application delivery goodness), the market has dramatically been impacted by a new style of “buyer”.
NEW YORK, Sept. 6, 2016 – Kemp Technologies today announced that it has been included in the Gartner 2016 Magic Quadrant for Application Delivery Controllers (ADCs) for the fourth consecutive year and positioned as a Visionary for the second year running. Kemp was also recognized in the inaugural release of Gartner Critical Capabilities research for the ADC market, which enables enterprises ...
F5 Networks has again been positioned by Gartner in the Leaders quadrant of its Magic Quadrant for Application Delivery Controllers (ADCs), published 29 August 2016.
Magic Quadrant for Application Delivery Controllers EVALUATION CRITERIA DEFINITIONS Ability to Execute Product/Service: Core goods and services offered by the vendor that compete in/serve the defined market. This includes current product/service capabilities, quality, feature sets, skills and so on, whether offered natively
This week, we are again highlighting a different Magic Quadrant: Application Delivery Controllers (ADC), and we’re going to look at things a little differently. While movement across and upwards in Gartner’s quadrants is a great achievement, sometimes sitting still is just as impressive.
Achieving your Best Possible Assessment in the Application Delivery Controllers (ADC) Magic Quadrant (MQ) Getting your company recognized in the ADC Magic Quadrant can reap huge rewards for your business and help grow your sales pipeline. But it isn’t easy. If you can answer yes to any of these questions: Are your competitors getting
F5 celebrates a decade in the Leaders quadrant, positioned as highest in execution by prominent industry analysts. F5 Networks (NASDAQ: FFIV) today announced that it has again been positioned by Gartner, Inc. in the Leaders quadrant of its Magic Quadrant for Application Delivery Controllers (ADCs), published August 29, 2016.
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