We have collected information about Apollo Cradle Delivery Charges for you. Follow the links to find out details on Apollo Cradle Delivery Charges.
Apollo Cradle offers various maternity packages such as room categories and facilities for normal as well as c-section delivery. If you know the delivery date, get the package charges now!
Apollo Cradle is one of the best hospitals for the Natural Birth, Natural Delivery and Natural Childbirth in India. We have high standard equipments for natural birth like labour delivery rooms, emergency care, ambulance, obstetrical ultrasound units, SICU, pharmacy, and high risk pregnancy management etc. Call for an Appointment at 040 44 24 44 24.
Anyone delivered at Apollo Cradle for Sky high prices :-) ??: Hi moms, I just completed 35weeks, and my doc asked me to be prepared for delivery anytime after 15may. I go to apollo, and was so shocked to see the prices. The private room is 1L5thousand :-(, and in other hosp (rainbow) it is 54500rs. I wonder what all do they provide extra at apollo for the extra cost.
Apollo Cradle offers various room categories and facilities for deliveries. Depending on your room preferences, medical requirements and length of stay desired, we would be able to give you approximate charges that you would be incurring. You are requested to visit Apollo cradle and experience the various choices that you have.
Delivery charges in apollo cradle: Hi any one from chennai and recently delivered in apollo cradle? I'm 29 weeks and planning for delivery in chennai. But I heard it is a bit expensive. Please share the details of delivery charges for both normal and c section. Thanks in advance. - BabyCenter India
@Rrisha Aggarwal Normal delivery and C- secdelivry charges for Max Shalimar bag is around 40,000 and 60,000 rs approximately. Apollo Cradle Moti nagar charges are not shared here yet. But Apollo cradle at Nehru enclave had normal and c - sec charges are around 1,90,000 and 2,22,000 respectively .
What are normal delivery charges in a private hospital in delhi? ... Apollo Cradle, Sector-14, Gurgaon. The Cradle is under the Apollo Group, which is known all over the world. It is one of the most elite and sort of Maternity Centers in Gurgaon. ... The actual charges for normal delivery varies from one hospital to another for Delivery. For ...
Please find below 2018 approximate Caesarean cost / Normal Delivery cost of baby delivery delhi in Uttam nagar on twin sharing basis as mentioned above in the list 1.Mata Roop Rani Maggo & Mahindru Hospital ( C-9, Om Vihar, Phase-I, Uttam Nagar, Metro Pillar No. 709,110059 )-----Rs 42000/ Rs 26000
It's been very bad experience that we end up paying unimaginable amount in Apollo cradle hospital. This chain of hospitals is well trained to grab poor people money. For normal delivery they are charging up to 80K which is almost three time more than other hospitals.2.6/5(1.3K)
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