We have collected information about Ac3 Delivery Missions 0 for you. Follow the links to find out details on Ac3 Delivery Missions 0.
Delivery Requests task you with supplying a certain amount of specific items for a designated contact. These items can be obtained by Hunting, purchasing in General stores, or by Crafting.Once all ...
So I thought I'd mop up the last few things I have left to 100% the single player tonight. I completed the assassination missions, the currier missions, & the delivery requests. Problem is, I got 100% in each of these categories except delivery requests. That shows as 0% still. Did a quick search & found that there are a few others w/ this issue.
Nov 13, 2012 · The Infamous Dr. Q shows the locations of all of the Delivery Requests in Assassin's Creed 3. Assassin's Creed 3 is a game developed by Ubisoft Montreal and publised by Ubisoft.Author: TheInfamousDrQ
Most of this information comes from a topic on the PS3 boards from the user daemeon67 so most the credit goes to him. I added the locations of the missions in NY, and can say with certainty that there is no North Boston Mission. There are eight delivery missions in total. Two …
Aug 12, 2016 · Assassin's Creed 3 - Side memories guide / mission walkthrough in Full HD (1080p/60fps) with Full 100% Synchronization - All Delivery Requests Assassin's Creed 3 - Collectibles & Side Missions ...Author: Assassin's Creed Series
Whilst the previous two generic side-missions were fairly benign, this one is brutal. Not only do all of the contacts not show up on the map, forcing you to explore, they task you with acquiring items that can be quite difficult to come by if you do not know where to look. You can find the Delivery mission start points in the following locations:
Apr 13, 2019 · I've already done all the delivery requests, but they're still 0% on the D.N.A. tracker and now i can't do nothing. It's seems that on ps3 there was the same bug. ... So you might be missing 1 in each area. You gotta uncover the map to get the missions. Google a delivery quests to see starting location. You will also need your homestead ...
Dec 18, 2012 · Delivery Request glitch (stuck at 66%) It's not the normal glitch, where you don't actually get the requests when you talk to the NPC. ... You are still missing delivery missions, you have to actually be standing next to them for the icon to appear on the map. If you use the search function you can find a map that shows the exact locations.
To undertake these missions, look for the icons that look like envelopes on the map. cruise over and talk to the men with the envelopes above their heads.After picking up the quest, you will be tasked with delivering four letters to citizens in the surrounding area.
Dec 31, 2012 · [AC3] Citizen Missions - Delivery Request Locations. ... I've done all but apperantly I've done 0% and this little muck up is ruining the game, I'm so close and want to achieve but can't if there's any info about how to get by this or anay help whatsoever ill be so grateful! Thank you
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