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The iHealth Explorer tool, developed by CSIRO and DoHA, delivers web services type data mining and analytic facilities over a web interface, providing desktop access to sophisticated analyses over very large data collections. The tool allows users to access large transactional datasets to create profiles of selected patients.
A Delivery F ramework for Health Data Mining and Analytics Damien McAullay 1 ∗ Graham Williams 1 , 2 Jie Chen 1 Huidong Jin 1 Hongxing He 1 Ross Sparks 1 Chris Kelman 3
health data mining delivery framework data mining tool desktop access broad area sophisticated analysis knowledge representation method web service type data mining health explorer tool health data analysis large data collection analytic facility access large transactional datasets windowed event sequence data adverse drug reaction exploration ...
(PDF) A Delivery Framework for Health Data Mining and Analytics Jie Chen - Academia.edu The iHealth Explorer tool, developed by CSIRO and DoHA, delivers web services type data mining and analytic facilities over a web interface, providing desktop access to sophisticated analyses over very large data collections. The tool allows users to
A delivery framework for health data mining and analytics
A Delivery Framework for Health Data Mining and Analytics The i Health Explorer tool, developed by CSIRO and DoHA, delivers web services type data mining and analytic facilities over a web interface, providing desktop access to sophisticated analyses over very large data collections.
Home » ANU Research » ANU Scholarly Output » ANU Research Publications » A delivery framework for health data mining and analytics A delivery framework for health data mining and analytics link to publisher versionAuthor: Damien McAullay, Graham Williams, Jie Chen, Huidong Jin, Hongxing He, Ross Sparks, Chris Kelman
It seems that the most popular techniques scientists need or prefer to use are: modeling, machine learning, data mining, visualization, and statistical analysis ( Table 2 ). The same techniques are also popular, in the same order, with the exception that machine learning comes first, for all data types ( …Author: Panagiota Galetsi, Korina Katsaliaki, Sameer Kumar
Feb 07, 2014 · The potential for big data analytics in healthcare to lead to better outcomes exists across many scenarios, for example: by analyzing patient characteristics and the cost and outcomes of care to identify the most clinically and cost effective treatments and offer analysis and tools, thereby influencing provider behavior; applying advanced analytics to patient profiles (e.g., segmentation …Author: Wullianallur Raghupathi, Viju Raghupathi
Jul 17, 2017 · The definition of data analytics, at least in relation to data mining, is murky at best. A quick web search reveals thousands of opinions, each with substantive differences. On one hand, data analytics could include the entire lifecycle of data, from aggregation to result, of which data mining …
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