811 Hours

We collected information about 811 Hours for you. Follow the liks to find out everything about 811 Hours.

Call 811 - Know what's below. Call before you dig.

    811 is the national call-before-you-dig phone number. Anyone who plans to dig should call 811 or go to their state 811 center’s website before digging to request that the approximate location of buried utilities be marked with paint or flags so that you don’t unintentionally dig into an underground utility line. Learn More.

USA North 811 | Call 811 Before You Dig

    Visit www.usanorth811.org to submit your ticket online, or dial 811; available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week (including holidays). If you are requesting an ACE ticket, just let us know over the phone, or select the appropriate option when submitting your ticket online.

811 In Your State - Call 811

    Explore Details. Calling 811 automatically routes you directly to your local 811 center. The state map provides you with additional details on each 811 center, as well as specific guidelines for your state. If your state accepts online requests from homeowners and contractors, you will see buttons for "Online Requests."

Sunshine 811

    Sunshine 811 is a call center and educational resource for Florida’s excavators, underground facility owners and operators, and any other stakeholders wanting to prevent excavation damage to underground facilities. Find resources to help you learn more about Sunshine 811 and safe digging best practices. The revised law, which establishes new ...

Call Before You Dig | Texas811

    For more information, contact the Training Department at [email protected] or dial 811. Every Dig Counts! Every project that involves digging needs to be located before ground is broken. I Want To Dig. I Want Something Else.

Call For Local Utility Locating Services - Colorado 811

    Know what’s below Quickly create a ticket or locate request now. If you’re digging deep or even just a few inches, you must contact Colorado 811 to have underground utilities marked. iDig811 is designed for residential and professional excavators to …

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