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Typically, a three-semester credit hour course meets three 50-minute sessions per week for fifteen weeks for a total of 45 sessions. How are credits calculated? The amount of units is broken up by subjects, so for instance, students would need 4 units for English, 2.5 units for P.E/Health, 1 unit for Art, 3 units for Math and so on.
A semester credit hour is an academic unit earned for fifteen 50-minute sessions of classroom instruction with a normal expectation of two hours of outside study for each class session. Typically, a three-semester credit hour course meets three 50-minute sessions per week for fifteen weeks for a …
And 1 semester hour was equal to the number of hours per week you are in a class. So a class that meets 3 times a week for 1 hour each time is worth 3 credits or 3 semester hours. So in your example since your class is 3 credits and it meets twice a week, that does not equal 6 semester hours.
The Frank Takeaways: Semester hours are the number of credit hours you are enrolled in during a semester. Credit hours are the number of creds you recieve for classes you are enrolled in. The average credit hour for one class is about 3 hours.
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