24 To 48 Business Hours

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24-48 business hours | Reality-Check.ca


What is 24 to 48 business hours?? | The Canadian Guitar Forum

    So if you get told that at 2 pm on Friday 24 business hours would be Monday at 2 48 hours Tuesday at 2. So basically between Monday & Tuesday afternoons--as long as Monday isn' a stat. (or possibly Tuesday isn't a stat) 1 - 12 of 12 Posts. This is an older thread, you may not receive a response, and could be reviving an old thread.

It has been 24 to 48 business hours and I have not ...

    During peak periods, the review process may extend past our goal of 48 hours. Orders shipping from one of our stores or a vendor may take longer to ship than from our Distribution Center. Stores have up to 4 business days to physically locate the merchandise.

"24-48 Business Hours?" Does that mean 3 to 8 days ...

    Most workplaces are open for 8 hours per business day, so "24 business hours" could mean 3 8-hour business days, or it could just mean a 24 hour period taking place on a business day (not weekend). And it's not even that clear because we don't know how long this office is open for, so there's a huge unknown factor at play with one of the interpretations.

24-48 business hours | Reality-Check.ca

    when we say 24-48 business hours, all that means is 1-2 business days. For example, if you call on friday and we say 24-48 hours, expect a call by tuesday. I know that we have high expectations of reaching out to customers when we indicated

What does "24 to 48 business hours" mean? - Telstra Broadband

    Malmensa2 writes... bit the guy just kept repeating "24 to 48 business hours". That's on their script, but essentially it's 1-2 business days. User #26895 27277 posts.

Does it take 24-48 calendar hours or 24-48 business …

    The correct answer is that funds from electronic checks are normally available in 1–2 business days. This is at least as long as 24–48 calendar hours, but would be less than 24–48 business hours (assuming 8 or 12 business hours per business day). 50 views. ·.

"24 business hours"? WTF? That's a new way to hide ...

    anyone who says 24 business hours is a dumbass. 99% of the time they mean 1 business day but can't figure that out. 24 busienss hours would technically mean 3 days if they were only open for 8 hour a day but could mean 2 days if they were open from say 6am - 6pm. Either way, you should never use that phrase.

What is meant by business hours as opposed to business ...

    Answer (1 of 4): Let’s clarify this. In many western countries, business days are weekdays (mostly Mon-Fri in Western Europe & America, Sun-Thu in Israel and some Muslim countries), excluding public holidays. As these days vary from country to country, and you may be dealing with a company with ...

How many days are in 48 business hours? - Answers

    How many business days is 48 hours? if there are 24 hours in a day then 48 hours are in two days and you know that in business hours there are 8 hours well you divide 48 by 8 and you get 6. so what...

How long is 24 business hours? - Answers

    How many days are 24 business hours? How many days are in 24 business hours. How long should one wait for a business email response? ... How long is 24 - 48 hours in a day?-24. How long does processing take on virgin mobile phone orders? within 24 hours and you will get your phone in 3-4 business days.

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