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= 1.06944444 = 1 hour Next, we calculate the minutes. There are 60 minutes in an hour, thus to get the minutes, we multiply the remaining right part of the decimal point above by 60. The total minutes, will be the whole number to the left of the decimal point. 0.06944444 × 60 = 4.16666667 = 4 minutes Next, we calculate the seconds.
= 1.06944444 = 1 hour Next, we calculate the minutes. There are 60 minutes in an hour, thus to get the minutes, we multiply the remaining right part of the decimal point above by 60. The total minutes, will be the whole number to the left of the decimal point. 0.06944444 × 60 = 4.16666667 = 4 minutes Next, we calculate the seconds.
0.02777778 hours: 250 seconds: 0.06944444 hours: 500 seconds: 0.13888889 hours: 750 seconds: 0.20833333 hours: 1,000 seconds: 0.27777778 hours: 2,500 seconds: 0.69444444 hours: 5,000 seconds: 1.38888889 hours: 7,500 seconds: 2.08333333 hours: 10,000 seconds: 2.77777778 hours: 25,000 seconds: 6.94444444 hours: 50,000 seconds: 13.88888889 hours: …
Jasons Lawn Care Landscaping Inc Hours; 1 06944444 Hours; Re Store Newmarket Hours ...
grid: /time (hours) ordered (0.02314815 hours) to (0.06944444 hours) by 0.0154321 N= 4 pts :grid xcoord grid: /xcoord (dimensionless) ordered (1.0 dimensionless) to (20.0 dimensionless) by 1.0 N= 20 pts :grid ycoord grid: /ycoord (dimersionless) ordered (2.0 dimersionless) to (19.0 dimersionless) by 1.0 N= 18 pts :grid Other Info datatype
grid: /time (hours) ordered (0.02314815 hours) to (0.06944444 hours) by 0.0154321 N= 4 pts :grid xcoord grid: /xcoord (dimensionless) ordered (1.0 dimensionless) to (20.0 dimensionless) by 1.0 N= 20 pts :grid ycoord grid: /ycoord (dimersionless) ordered (1.5 dimersionless) to (19.5 dimersionless) by 1.0 N= 19 pts :grid Other Info datatype
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v v int_dxcoord V from MIT MITgcm Release01 TutorialExamples advect_xy: 2D (X-Y) passive advection test on Cartesian grid. Time: [0.02314815 hours,0.06944444 hours]
Time: [0.02314815 hours,0.06944444 hours] Data Library ∂ xcoord ∂ time [ MIT MITgcm Release01 TutorialExamples advect_xy v ] xcoord [1.0 20.0] dimensionless
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